About the Artist

Hi. I’m Natalie

Hi. I’m Natalie, the creator behind Colorful Language - a painter, fueled by coffee, kitten snuggles, and margaritas. I moved to Austin from the Midwest years ago after learning that yes, wet hair really can freeze solid in blizzards. A traveling-consultant-turned-creative, I now enjoy staying in one place and exploring starry night skies.

I create pieces that pop with lively, vibrant color, working with both watercolors and alcohol inks. And the name Colorful Language? Because who doesn’t enjoy some well-executed colorful language?




The way I see it... (aka my Artist Statement)

I enjoy creating order from chaos - that’s why I choose to work with fluid mediums like watercolor and alcohol ink. 

The beautiful, almost unpredictable, movement of the medium keeps me on edge. 

My work is the source, teaching me when to go with the flow and when to stand against it. I strive to find both peace in the flow and strength in the challenge.